I feel bad that it is raining-for the kids sake and not mine. Piper is running high fevers and I can't figure out what is up. She just had a bit of a loose stool-I told her she could wear a diaper so she doesn't have any accidents, we will see how long that lasts. She really likes to wear panties.
I picked up a few groceries last night. We were out of fruit and milk(soy and regular), I ended up spending $75 in less than 25 minutes. nice. prices are going up on everything and I hate it.
I am going to work on the game room today so I can get in there and do some sewing tonight. I need to find a pattern or make one to make the girls each a comforter/quilt for thier bed. I thought that would be something that they can keep forever and hand down to my grandchildren(wow, what a thought). If you have any ideas or suggestions, let me know.
I purchased this dress from Walmart

only in a red plaid. I am going to see if I have any sundress patterns and make a couple. I was so comfortable all day. I was able to buy a large in Juniors as well! That was nice. I got a lot of compliments at church, including one young woman who said that she hoped she could dress as cute as me when she is a mom! Made me feel good, but was a challenge at the same time. It is so easy to just throw on a tshirt and jeans when caring for the kids. I have really been trying to do better because I like my husband liking what he sees! :o) I love to see him smile when I am done getting ready for the day and walk out of our room. Good feelings.
All games are cancelled and that is ok with me. more time to work on the things that need to get done around here. I have a ton of girl clothes to put away-I wait until I have all of thier wash done and then put it away in outfits-wouldn't be such a problem if I had somewhere to keep it until then, but I don't. Gotta come up with a new system...
I have a sinus issue and it is driving me crazy.
I made a decision about the job. I will not be going back to preschool next year. I will be doing a little extra work for the church in conjunction with my childcare coordinator position and I couldn't be more excited. I love my work at the church. I feel like it is worthwhile. Not that teaching children isn't, it is. I just feel this is a direction God is sending me and I look forward to the challenges that will come with the jobs I will be doing. I will be working about 2 days a week and my mom will keep the girls. They will still have church activities and BSF to be with children and Piper will be in ballet and Gabi in gymnastics. We won't have to pay even 1/2 of what we would at the preschool for my mom to watch them and we will come out ahead on that. I have talked with my mom and we are going to have workbooks for them to do some of each day at her house and then I will do the fun messy part of 'teaching' them at home. I did it with both boys and frankly, I missed a lot this year with preschool. During the summer, my job will be very flexible so I can be with the kids-but, I will still be bringing in money, which is very helpful. It will be flexible during the school year as well-like if a boy has a trip w/school, I can go......I didn't get to go to any of thier trips this year! So, overall, it is a very good thing for my family. I am going to the preschool this week to let my boss know. She has plenty of time to fill the position. I have asked several people if they are interested, a couple of maybes, couple of no's. I can't carry the burden of finding her help for her. I hope the school continues to grow and I can leave with no hard feelings.
Well, I should get back to real life and all the crazy kids in my house!!!
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