Friday, August 6, 2010

what never was.

I want to apologize for any rude comments that anyone saw on my blog.
They have been deleted.
For what it is worth, I did not sleep with anyone's husband-period.
I made a stupid decision to talk to a man who was not my husband.
Poor choice-I know.
I am a grown Christian woman and I have apologized for my actions.
The ones I need forgiveness from have forgiven me-God and my husband.
I can't make anyone else let it go.
Here is the deal, I am human, I make mistakes and I learn from them.
for us, Life is moving forward, we make a choice not to hold onto the past, but to learn from it and be better people. I have been on the opposite side of this situation and I understand how bad it sucks. I had to let it go. It would have eaten me up.
I can say that my life is not terrible, I don't deserve a terrible life. I will keep on living life with my family and God at the center. We will strive to be better each day.
I hope you are all enjoying the rest of the time with your children before school starts!
I know we have had a fabulous summer and I think the kids are excited to get back into a routine of school!

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