We have been very busy here in our family. We missed 3 of the last 5 days of school due to freezing rain and snow. We did manage to survive, even if just barley. I have been very busy taking mom to dr appointments, Sammy to therapy sessions and trying to keep up the house. I must say the last one has suffered the most! Daniel has been so amazing during this last 2 months. November and December have been rough months and we are looking forward to the new year and all it has to offer.
The kids all had a great Christmas and rated it a A+++, so I think we did a good job. We decided to do very little for each other this year and hope to take a trip w/o kids next spring, so that will be great! I did get an adorable zebra print purse w/ purple trim and a purple wallet to match! I got Daniel Call of Duty World at War for the Wii with the Wii blaster to go with it...he is playing it right now!! Let's see, the kids got Wii games~GH On Tour(from grammy and pawpaw), Playground(from the babysitter), Outdoor Challenge(from Grammie) and Wii Music(from us). Sammy got a purity ring, a scarf-hat-glove set and 2 of the Twillight books from us. Dawson got GHWorldTour for his DS, a guitar stand and Club penguin book. Logan got an MP3 player, 30Clues book/card set and Tommmy boy nerf gun. Gabi got Cupcake Maker, Barbie Swipe Cards(for her computer game)and Hannah Montana guitar. Piper got a Little mommy doll(the one that talks in English/Spanish-she really wanted it!), dress up clothes and Sharpay microphone. They all got a lot of little things in the stockings....ds games, make up, card games etc. Santa did a good job of picking up some stuff as well. Daniel and I had all our shopping and wrapping done on the 20th of December! But, we still stayed up way too late on Christmas eve making sure it all looked perfect! It was worth it!
Went to my sister's and had dinner w/family and that was good as well...
Piper and Gabi both woke up sick today, fevers and runny nose plus cough. Hope they feel better int eh am(as I type this, Piper is on the couch-she fell asleep at 6 and woke up at 10:30!!)
We played GH World Tour tonight and I even sang! OUr HSM Sing it microphone works with the GH, so now all we need are the drums...I think we may have to do it! Then we played a game of Clue(we got 5 new board games from Santa!)Daniel won and we all had a lot of laughs.
I really need to do better at updating this thing. We did get a new tower for the computer since we are using a friends. It is having all the stuff we need put on and then I should be back in better buisness with that! Daniel put in a bid on it at work and he won! $60 for it. Not a bad deal and it is still underwarrenty, so Dell sent him the start up disk w/everything we need. Very excited to be able to upload pictures and such on here! We had some pictures done and I will try to upload it, but I don't know if it will work.
Weell. I better try to get this kid to bed....she needs rest!
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