Wednesday, July 22, 2009

No swimming??

that is what Logan said today after his ear surgery. He was not happy and well, neither was mommy. He had to have a tube removed from his left ear that was stuck and when Dr Walker tried to get it out in the office, she had no luck. They had to give him some general anesthesia. She said even then it was tough to get out! But, I am praying that it will be the last time he has any ear surgeries!! He was scared to death, but is currently laying on the couch playing a video game...

VBS is this week. It always means a busy week, but it is so worth it to get to love on even the tiny babies who's mommies are working to teach children about God. 3 days down, 2 to go.

Piper had surgery last week to put 'shiny teeth' in her mouth. She had 8 caps placed on baby teeth that had some decay issues. She really just started eating again yesterday. I think a bit of it was attention, but I do know that it makes your mouth very sore. She even came out to Daddy this am and said, I even brushed my back teeth daddy!!!!! She was so proud.

I take Dawson to the orthodontist on Friday for his initial exam to see what all we need to have done. Not excited for that one, since I just paid out so much on Logan's surgery! At least the consult is free!!!!

Gabi turned 6 on the 14th! Where did the time go? She will be starting Kindergarten in a little under a month! It will only be Piper and I at home now. I remember taking a tiny Gabi to enroll Dawson in

I hope to do better about blogging until vacation, but then I will take a hiatus since we don't yet have a lap top...very excited to see all the Mississippi family!!! Well, I think i am going to make him nap with me for a bit ;o)

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