Bwahaha!!! I hadn't read this until today ....I KNOW it's for mail, but she wrote "male" and that is hilarious!!!!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
project 366
Gabi steals my phone and I find this the next really is the crease of her arm, but girl loves to make jokes!!!
project 366
this was the room Poppa passed in...-there had been a hospital bed in there....but we crashed there Saturday night...
Project 366
Piper with her sweet cousin Phillip :0))) I know I am very behind ...I have been taking photos, just slacking in posting. between being in the hospital and Daniel's Poppa passing -we lay him to rest today....-it was a week long affair as he had been battling cancer ....please, don't give up yet!!!!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
project 366
they brought in some heavy duty antibiotics!! he said not many people get them ...does that mean I'm lucky??
Saturday, January 14, 2012
project 366
sick, ii remembered to take the pictures, just forgot to post ...
this is what having skin cancer did to me...
not awful, but, there they scars ...reminders of neglect on my body!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
project 366
I love these 2 girls!!! my sister in law Stephanie and her daughter Miss Sophia ....blessed to get to spend time with them! Sophia just had her 2nd birthday ....
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
project 366
the kids LOVE chili.....I really love it on a super cold day...but, I love those kids of ours, so, I made chili on a day it got over 70*! but, I did not make sweet corn bread ...I know, it aches me to say that, but I just didn't want to heat the house up!!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
an entra for project 366
remember Friday when u wore my robe to school? this is how I ended the the hospital, getting shots of diladed x2!!! ugh it was the worst headache I have ever had..a glimpse of how I felt
Project 366
can you overdose on Chloraseptic?? if so, I just may!!! I feel just crummy. ..praying one more night if sleep will help.
I don't know why it is putting my pictures sideways ....interesting...
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Project 366
This is our 'black and gold' tree...we decorated it in honor of our favorite team, the New Orleans Saint's will stay up as long as they play!! let's pray that is until Super Bowl!
Friday, January 6, 2012
Project 366
So migraines suck....I have spent the day on the couch, taking meds, with no, relief. this us how I took the kids to school -robe and boots!! but, then Piper forgot her book bag in the I had to put real clothes on! now I am off to the ER in hopes of relief for my noggin ...
Thursday, January 5, 2012
project 366
so today I get to spend a little extra time with Dawson ...since he is 13, those moments are extra special, even if he is just sitting on a Dr's exam table! We are sitting here, praying he dies NOT have chicken pox. Night before last, after hus shower, a few bumps showed up on his belly. Last night when he got out, hus ENTIRE belly and part of his back were covered ...I gave him some benydrl -how do you spell that??? -and that has helped the itching, but the bumps have spread to his arms and face and back and even his legs...ugh!!!
so, here we sit, quarantined to a room - a pink room!! lol!!! waiting our turn, playing on our respective phones ..after I tried talking dice Mom, I AM TRYING TO PLAY THIS GAME AND WOULD YOU PLEASE SILENCE YOUR PHONE IN THE OFFICE!!! Sigh, at least he has phone etiquette, right?
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
a new year, hoping for a new blog...
Project 366
the house is quiet other than the hums if the heater, washer and dishwasher goal for this year is to read through the entire Bible ...start at the front and keep going...I also want to study what we are learning in Sunday school each week, as well as meditate on the sermon from each week. I'm not super Holy or anything, just a gal searching. I have never read the ENTIRE Bible... the lessons we are learning in class hit me between the eyes or step on my toes each week. I just want to get back to really listening to God and being more aware....
if you see me, ask if I have done my reading for the day -hold me accountable!!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
today's picture
I should be folding and hanging ...instead, I am sitting on my duff...that pile will still be sitting there in the morning when the kids all go back to school and I am left home, to do as I please!!! laundry, take one tree down and clean the kitchen while consuming coffee, lots of coffee!!!